Intro to the KEL103 Electronic Load: Main Modes


The KEL103 is a programmable DC electronic load with a max voltage of 120V, a max current of 30A, and a max power of 300W. This unit can replace the hassle of a multi-meter and resistor combo. Its benchtop design fits perfectly in any workspace and the bright green LED display makes it very easy to read. There are four main modes of use which are CC, CV, CW, and CR. The beauty of this machine is that it is perfect for many different types of testing environments. Its accuracy allows for readings that can help calibrate power sensitive devices like power supplies and computers.

Note: The unit variation values are specified in the product manual.

CV is constant voltage mode

This mode maintains a programmed voltage value by attempting to drop a certain amount of current. It comes in handy for testing battery charging circuits. To use this mode, connect the load to the device being tested and turn on both units then press the CV button on the load. If the button turns green it means you are in CV mode. In this mode, use either the knob or the numbers to input the voltage value then press enter. Press the ON/OFF button and watch the unit keep that value while regulating the current. Verify the output values using the version of Ohm’s law V = IR and checking the variance availability in the back of the manual.

CC is constant current mode

This mode maintains a current value that is maintained by lowering the input current and allowing the voltage to stay at its value. This mode is generally used to test if a power supply can output the max current it says it has. The unit uses the CC mode as its default. Turing on the unit, the CC button on the unit should be green. Connect the load to the supply being tested and the voltage from the supply will display. Set the current value by turning the knob or using the number keys then press enter. Once the constant current value is selected, press the ON/OFF button. The load will set the input current to the selected value. Verify the output values using the version of Ohm’s law I = V/R and checking the variance availability in the back of the manual.

CR is constant resistance mode

This mode sets the loads resistance as one would set a fixed resistance simulation box or separate resistors. CR mode is best for testing the capacity of batteries or the startup conditions of different devices. To use this mode, connect the load to the device being tested and turn on both units then press the CR button on the load. Set the resistance value by turning the knob or using the number keys then press enter. Once the value is selected, press the ON/OFF button. Verify the output values using the version of Ohm’s law R = V/I and checking the variance availability in the back of the manual.

CW is constant power mode

This mode uses a programmed power value to regulate an input value. It keeps the programmed value by taking the input voltage.  Then calculating an appropriate current value, and then dropping the current to the calculated current value. CW modes best tests the output voltage range of a power source for a specified output power value. To use this mode, connect the load to the device being tested and turn on both units then press the CW button on the load. Set the power value by turning the knob or using the number keys then press enter. Once the value is selected, press the ON/OFF button. Verify the output values using the version of Ohm’s law W = VI and checking the variance availability in the back of the manual.

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