How Does an Ultrasonic Cleaner Work?


I know there are a lot of blogs and info out there about how to use an ultrasonic cleaner, what solutions to use, and other important aspects of the machine. But have you noticed how hard it is to find information about how the ultrasonic cleaner actually works? Try looking up "cavitation" and how it works then see how many different definitions there are for it. Well in this blog I will break it down for you simply and quickly. First we see the meaning of cavitation, then we'll dive into how it works then finally why it works. Let's get started!

  1. What is cavitation?

    Image result for bubbles

    Bubbles are the reason why cavitation works. Wait, bubbles? Yes, bubbles! If you think about it we use bubbles to clean a lot of things: bubble baths, dishes, floors, and so forth. So as much as you would like to believe that the chemicals are the main source of cleaning (albeit somewhat true) the bubbles are the workers compared to the chemicals who are the bosses. The same is true in the cavitation process. The bubbles created by the cleaner work on the object being cleaned and the chemicals are their passive bosses. To be more scientific, the definition of cavitation is the rapid formation and collapse of vapor pockets in a flowing liquid in regions of very low pressure. 

  2. How does cavitation work?

    Image result for cavitation

    Mini implosions! Once again yes it is that simple, well a little bit. The bubbles created by cavitation have nothing inside of them which gives them no form. This makes the bubbles implode on themselves as soon as they are made. In the machine uses transducers to create sound waves in the tank. These sound waves move in the liquid so fast that it creates mini imploding bubbles and pressure. These bubbles and pressure are how cavitation works; it allows the machine to create the ideal cleaning tank.

  3. Why does cavitation work for the ultrasonic cleaner?

    The ultrasonic cleaner was designed to efficiently clean objects placed in it with solutions. Most ultrasonic cleaners are designed with transducers, a main board, a display board, and special features. All ultrasonic cleaner machines follow the same process, cavitation. 

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